People often think that the prime minister is the boss of the cabinet and has the highest position in the country. Officially, that is not true, because he is not the boss, but 'the first among equals' of the ministers. However, the role of the prime minister has become increasingly stronger in recent decades: he is the face of the cabinet and also represents the Netherlands abroad. What is the formal and practical role of the prime minister in relation to the House of Representatives and the Senate, and how has that role developed? How should the prime minister account for himself and what position does he or she hold according to the rules of parliament? We answer these and other questions in episode 21 of Het Kamergesprek, the only TV program in the Netherlands in which we explain parliamentary debates and processes. Presenter Kemal Rijken talks about it with journalist Leonard Ornstein, campaign expert Huub Bellemakers, communications expert Julia Wouters and journalist Sheila Sitalsing.