#hormones #dhea #testosterone #cortisol #progesterone Your youth hormone is decreasing day by day and with that your aging process is faster and more painful. Unless you are taking hormone replacement therapy with DHEA supplementation, the youth hormone. That is the subject of this video. Where I talk about the latest discoveries about this valuable hormone and also teach you how to naturally maintain your DHEA levels. 00:00 opening 00:20 what is DHEA 01:14 two good news about DHEA 01:45 the 4 controversial facts 03:08 the 7 benefits of DHEA 06:05 how DHEA is produced 08:01 immunological senescence 08:30 routes of administration and doses of DHEA 10:10 conclusion Dr. José Rodrigues Corrêa CRM 15577-MG Subscribe to the channel! ULTRACLÍNICA website: www.ultraclinica.net for information on consultations: [email protected] Link to videos posted on the PALAVRA DE MÉDICO channel: / @drjoserodriguescorrea • The information contained in the videos is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical professional or serve as a recommendation for any therapeutic item or treatment plan. If you have any questions, consult your doctor. • This is a purely educational video, aimed at instructing the population on various subjects involving medicine. • Medicine is a science in constant change, the videos are produced based on the most recent Scientific Articles up to the date of this video's publication. - According to Art. 8 of CFM Resolution 1974/11 on Advertising of the Code of Medical Ethics, the videos are intended only to provide information for strictly educational purposes. - According to Art. 9 of CFM Resolution 1974/11 on Advertising of the Medical Code of Ethics § 1º “E”, the address and telephone number of the office or clinic are not disclosed in informative videos.