The significance of a holiday circle lies not only in its religious content. Waiting and preparing also play an important role in individual, family and community life, and in maintaining mental health! We wish you a blessed Easter! FINALLY, here is Imre Bedő's online training, which GIVES STRENGTH and which you can access from anywhere - now with a discount! Click on the link: https://bit.ly/ferfienergia You can buy Imre Bedő's bestselling books here: http://ferfiakklubja.hu/shop/harom-ko... / bedoimreofficial TikTok: / bedoimre Web: http://ferfiakklubja.hu Become a part of the Men's Club community: https://ferfiakklubja.hu/regisztracio #men #mentor #holiday #family #life #hösvét #BedőImre #Men'sClubja