VISIT THE GVT CHANNEL WEBSITE! https://canalgvt.com.br/ On today's tour, we will cross the Ciclovia da Vida, which is the highest among the bike paths in Brazilian capitals and was built on the Terceira Ponte, which provides access from the capital Vitória to the municipality of Vila Velha in Espírito Santo. 00:01 - Introduction 01:19 - Aerial 02:49 - Enseada do Suá 05:37 - Ascent towards Vila Velha 14:31 - Descent towards Vila Velha 20:00 - Ascent towards Vitória 26:49 - Descent towards Vitória Thank you for watching the GVT Channel! Subscribe to receive video suggestions! Source: https://g1.globo.com/es/espirito-sant... https://es360.com.br/dia-a-dia/notici...