In this fascinating shiur, Moreh Calev Anavah invites us to explore a profound and rarely discussed perspective on Esau, revealing the spark of holiness that existed within him. Through ethical and spiritual analysis, Moreh guides us to understand how the Eternal is in absolute control of all events in this world, even those that, at first glance, seem to be in opposition to His plans. Discover how every element of creation, including figures like Esau, is part of a greater divine purpose. This shiur will challenge our perceptions of good and evil, helping us to see G‑d’s hand in all events and to grow in our trust in the divine plan. A transformative lesson for those who seek to understand divine sovereignty and find peace in realizing that nothing is outside of the Eternal’s control. ESSENTIAL KABALAH COURSE: https://sun.eduzz.com/2226107 MAKE YOUR OFFER NOW ⬇ PIX (CNPJ) 43.870.311/0001-14 PIX BRADESCO: Cell phone 11 917600104 Caixa Econômica Federal Bank: 104 Branch: 1891 Account: 578163176-0 Name: EMUNAH SHLEMAH SYNAGOGUE CNPJ: 43.870.311/0001-14 Want to learn more? Become a disciple: WhatsApp: +55 (11) 91760-0104 EDEN ARTICLES: https://www.artigoseden.com PARDES Magazine: https://sun.eduzz.com/1648722 Instagram: revistapardes