The Church has changed over recent decades. Is this ordinary, organic development in accordance with the spirit of the Gospel, or rather the influence of a foreign, frequently condemned ideology on the life of the Church? Fr. Szymon Bańka FSSPX Quotes from Cardinal Kasper: http://www.kathpedia.com/index.php?ti... Content of the encyclical Pascendi dominici gregis: http://sanctus.pl/index.php?grupa=89&... Support the construction of the new wing of Aquinas: https://www.piusx.org.pl/nowe-projekt... Aquinas Schools: http://szkoly.akwinata.edu.pl/pl We recommend the Te Deum publishing house: http://www.tedeum.pl/ and the FSSPX Poland channel: / @fsspxpolska Support the work of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X: https://www.piusx.org.pl/wsparcie-dar... The thumbnail uses the photo: Giulio Origlia/Getty Images