Dervish Evdi, warrior of the Milan tribe, Egîd Sharqiyan, beloved of Edul and the Kurds. And the promise of the war for the honor of the Yezidis. Today we will talk about Evdi and Derweşe Evdi #PELFİLM #DESTANADEWRÊŞÊEVDÎ #EDÛLÊ #ŞENGAL #ÊZIDÎ CYBER SHOP OF KURDISH HANDBOOKS - ZAMBİLFIROSH SHOPPING SHOP OF KURDISH HANDBOOKS - NEWROZ / KAVAÊ HESINKAR ???? • CYBER SHOP OF KURDISH HANDBOOKS - NEWRO Z / KAW.. .KARAPETÊ XACO - DEWRÉŞE EVDÍ ( CLIP ) ???? • KARAPETÊ XACO - DEWRÉŞE EVDÍ ( CLIP ) YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL AND SUPPORT US ... THANK YOU ???? Twitter : https://bit.ly/3cWh8Cj İnstagram : https:/ /bit.ly/3190Hgm Facebook : https://bit.ly/3tIJvur Telegram : https://bit.ly/3c74kd0 WebSite : http://www.pel.com.tr/ Mail : [email protected]