In the port city there are a variety of culinary delicacies that are served directly to the hand. These include juicy burgers, fresh Asian kebabs and Mexican tacos. Food blogger Ilaria does the street food check in Hamburg. ►Now also on JOYN: Abenteuer Leben on Sunday https://www.joyn.de/serien/abenteuer-... Abenteuer Leben daily: https://www.joyn.de/serien/abenteuer-... ►All full episodes of Abenteuer Leben https://kabeleins.de/AL/GanzeFolgen ►Abenteuer Leben by subscription https://bit.ly/3sercNp Approved for ages 6 and up *************************************** Curious, honest, worth knowing and exciting, Abenteuer Leben reports on topics from the areas of knowledge, everyday life and life. The show shows real people and their exciting challenges. Abenteuer Leben amazes viewers time and again with superlatives! Through strong topics in strong images -- with strong protagonists who tell their story. *************************************** ►“Rosins Restaurants” on YouTube https://bit.ly/3serhRd ►“Achtungkontrolle” on YouTube https://bit.ly/3tPspvb ►“Trucker Babes” on YouTube https://bit.ly/3rad7z9 ►“Kabel Eins” on YouTube https://bit.ly/2OV9JLA #AbenteuerLeben #kabeleins #Reportage Imprint: https://www.kabeleins.de/service/impr...