The Alerce Andino National Park is located in the province of Llanquihue, in the communes of Puerto Montt and Cochamó, between the Reloncaví inlet and estuary, in the mountainous area that extends south of Lake Chapo. It is part of the Southern Andes Temperate Rainforest Biosphere Reserve. Its fauna is highlighted by the presence of mammals such as the pudú, puma, güiña, gray fox, chingue, and monito del monte. Open Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We went to the park in mid-October 2023, being our 26th national park. Subscribe and stay tuned for the next adventure in Vicente Perez Rosales National Park Don't forget to follow me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjavalenz... Tiktok: /benjavalenzuelawallis You can find more about our electric car here: https://www.volvocars.com/cl/cars/c40... About charging points in Chile: https://copecvoltex.cl/ About the travel guide: https://www.chiletur.cl/ My clothing equipment is from https://www.hwwear.com/ Our Portable Battery can be found at: https://urx1.com/pk0Xj This is the equipment I use for recording and editing: My Main Camera: https://www.nikoncenter.cl/camaras/mi... Lens for Main Camera: https://www.nikoncenter.cl/lentes/mir... Snapper Lens for Main Camera: https://www.nikonusa.com/en/nikon-pro... My camera for travel and diving: Wide angle lens for my main camera English: trip: Macro lens for my travel camera: Long lens for my travel camera: Camera for underwater and action: https://amzn.to/3zbxGmr Computer I edit with: https://amzn.to/3xeU0dq My Drone: https://amzn.to/3mblSJq My Diving Case: Diving Light: https://amzn.to/3Ng7Yl7 Memories: https://amzn.to/38IBnoU See you on the next adventure! 0:00 Introduction 0:25 Day 1 - Sargazo Sector 3:08 Alerce Milenario 4:55 Los Ulmos 6:24 Day 2 - Chaicas Sector 8:44 Alerce Milenario n2 9:50 Laguna Chaiquenes 11:08 Laguna Triangulo 14:38 Sector Correntoso 17:03 Return to Sargazo - Rodal de Alerce