The Greatest Scholar of the Salafi-Wahhabi School Confessed That Their Way Is Not True, But He Advised That It Be Remain Secret. The greatest scholar of the Salafi-Wahhabi school, Al-Albani, confessed in a special gathering that tawassul (asking Allah for the respect of the prophets and saints) is not shirk, but he betrayed the scientific trust and hid the truth by saying, “Let’s keep this between us, let’s not anger the people.” Thus, it was revealed that the greatest evidence of the Salafis, which is the reason why they consider people to be infidels, is empty and not based on the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah protect the Ummah from their evil. Amen! Here is the video: https://www.cubbeliahmethoca.com.tr/t... --- Social Media Accounts: Website: https://www.cubbeliahmethoca.com.tr Youtube: / cubbeliahmethoca Facebook: / cubbeliahmethoca Twitter: / c_ahmethoca Instagram: / cubbeliahmethoca #selefi #vahhabi #elbani #cübbeliahmethoca