Germany is preparing for droughts, farmers are battling the dryness, emergency plans are being drawn up. How long will our water last? Filmmaker Daniel Harrich and a team of researchers are investigating this question. People across the country have reported where streams and ponds are disappearing - more than 1,100 bodies of water in total. Even the Rhine could become a trickle. How will the groundwater levels develop? Will we grow millet instead of wheat? What will the droughts in Germany mean for us? Many native plant and animal species that do not adapt quickly enough will die out. So we must radically rethink things. Up until now we have only planned the drainage of our cities and fields, now we have to keep the water in the area. We will have to adapt to the water shortage in Germany, change our agriculture, build differently, change our lives. The documentary shows what the droughts in Germany will mean for us and how precious our water will become. CROWD SCIENCE ACTION: REPORT DROUGHT IN YOUR AREA Take part in the ARD project #unserWasser here! Where is our water disappearing? We want to answer this question together with you. Report bodies of water in your area that have little or no water using this form. https://www.daserste.de/unserwasser-m... This SWR documentary by Daniel Harrich has the original title: The Great Drought. What can we do to prevent Germany from drying out?, broadcast date: 08/29/22 DAS ERSTE. #swrdoku #swr All statements and facts correspond to the status at the time and have not been updated since then. Subscribe to the channel: / swrdoku You can find more documentaries on our channel or in the ARD Mediathek at https://www.ardmediathek.de/swr/swr-d...