In a small town in Spain, two men arrive at a store, but what seemed like an ordinary visit quickly turns into a tension-filled incident. This initial event unleashes a complex plot that connects the protagonists to a secret government project: the creation of advanced Level 91 humans, endowed with extraordinary abilities that defy the laws of science and morality. These powerful entities, designed to be the next evolution of humanity, now pose a threat that not even their own creators can control. As the government struggles to contain their creation, the advanced humans begin to question their purpose and place in the world, unleashing a series of conflicts that combine fast-paced action, ethical dilemmas, and surprising revelations. In this story, every decision counts, and the boundaries between good and evil become blurred. Will the government be able to face the consequences of its experiments? Or will these untameable entities mark the end of human control? Get ready for a narrative filled with mystery, unexpected twists, and a deep exploration of power, freedom, and the implications of playing God. Tags: movie summary, this is how I tell you summarized movies, movies in summary, the summary of the movie, narrated movie, movie reviews, summaries, movie summaries, summary in minutes, best movie summaries, I summarize this movie for you, I summarize it for you now, movies in release, now I tell you summary, summarized story, summarized movie, summarized mystery, movie summary, story summary, science fiction movies