This week, Faith Taken at Its Word concludes a four-year series on the four Gospels. After seeing the three Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke proposed by the liturgy year after year, we end with the Gospel that is read for the major feasts: that of John. This will be an opportunity for us to take stock of this text: who wrote it? How is it composed? What is its theology? It is therefore a program to enter into the reading that I propose to you in the company of my two guests: Father Luc Devillers, Dominican, who teaches the exegesis of the New Testament at the French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem, in particular the Johannine writings, and Father Yves Simoëns, Jesuit, professor of biblical exegesis, who teaches Sacred Scripture at the Jesuit faculties of Paris (Centre Sèvres) and at the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome, where he has spoken on Saint John. Faith taken at its Word from 05/11/2017.