We will make some old vigils available here on the channel and show a little more of our history! Today we will be ministering the word with Pr. Elson de Assis at the Good Samaritan Vigil for the month of February/2017. Contribute R$ 1 per day and help us save lives: http://bit.ly/doe1realpordia Subscribe to the channel: http://bit.ly/2PXmaWy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ FOLLOW THE GOOD SAMARITAN ON SOCIAL MEDIA ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/2RpSpKQ ► Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Q11I7d ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/2SfRxII ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ LISTEN TO THE GOOD SAMARITAN ► Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2P46iMJ ► Deezer: http://bit.ly/2QmrMZW ► iTunes: https://apple.co/2KDpOiv ► Napster: http://bit.ly/2E09GXV ► Google Play: http://bit.ly/2P9xJ7X ► Amazon: https://amzn.to/2tPLdh7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ WATCH ALSO ► Pr. Renan Lopes • The Good Samaritan Pr. Renan Lopes ... ► Miss. Isabel de Jesus • The Good Samaritan Missionary Isabel... ► Pastor Elizeu Rodrigues • The Good Samaritan Pr. Elizeu Rodrigu... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ STUDY AT THE ACADEMY OF PREACHERS ► http://academiadepregadores.org/ ▷ ACCESS OUR CHANNEL ► http://bit.ly/2JhdwtN ▷ VISIT OUR STORE ► http://loja.academiadepregadores.com.br/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ VISIT OUR WEBSITE: ► http://obomsamaritano.com.br/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ CONTACT US: ► http://obomsamaritano.com.br/contato/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ BECOME A SUPPORTER: ► http://obomsamaritano.com.br/contribuir/ ► Holder: Social Assistance and Educational Association The Good Samaritan ► CNPJ: 76.557.297/0001-52 ▷ BANCO DO BRASIL ► Branch: 3616-1 Checking Account: 11.491-X ▷ BANCO BRADESCO ► Branch: 2353-1 Checking Account: 9247-9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ WHO WE ARE: The Good Samaritan Social and Educational Assistance Association is a Social Support House, better known as Desafio Jovem, based on the faith and love of Christ. The institution currently serves 85 men and 16 women, former drug addicts, beggars, vagrants and others who were on the margins of society. There are two farms maintained by voluntary donations and no one pays monthly fees. The House accepts any individual who expresses a genuine interest in changing their life. Everyone follows a routine that involves personal organization, occupational therapy, counseling, prayer and Bible studies. During the treatment process, they receive literacy training, referral to elementary and high school supplementary education, baking, pottery, wood carving, knitting, crocheting and sewing classes, among other workshops. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where he was and, when he saw him, had compassion. Luke 10:33 //