The film trilogy "Kazakh Khanate", based on the novel "Almas Kylysh" - the first volume of the trilogy "Nomads" by the famous writer Ilyas Yesenberlin, covers the period of rule of the first khans of the Kazakh Horde, who united nomadic Kazakh tribes - Sultans Kerei and Zhanibek. The middle of the 15th century. A time when several uluses arose on the ruins of the empire of the world ruler Genghis Khan. In 1465, one of these uluses - the direct successors of the "Ak Horde" state, the descendants of the Orys Khan Sultans Kerei and Zhanibek, united under one banner the nomadic tribes dissatisfied with the ruler of the Blue Horde, Abulkhair Shaibani, and founded the "Kazakh Khanate" - the dark shadow of the White Horde. However, was the path to freedom a narrow path, without slippery paths? Abulkhair Khan, who had once seized the throne of the Russian Khanate by force and ruled alone for 40 years, with the support of the descendants of Amir Temur - the emirs of Maueranahr - embarked on a devastating campaign against his arch-enemies Kerey and Zhanibek. But this campaign was in vain, and Abulkhair Khan was killed. Thus, the Kazakhs, who had been blessed by God, regained the capital city of Syganak and the Golden Throne from the Shaiban clan without bloodshed.