The core of Christianity also consists in the fact that God has revealed himself as a Father - that is an ingenious miracle that has never happened before in the history of mankind. The Father revealed in the Son. And the incarnate Son of God as the firstborn among many brothers. Who is now leading many sons to glory. Through Him we are children of the Father. Through Him we have access to the Father. In Him we see the Father and it is also He who will soon bring us into the house of the Father. #godthefather #gloryofgod #christianity ********* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: You can order FREE DEVOTIONAL BOOKS via the following link (for yourself and to pass on if you like), which we will send to you postage free. We would be happy if the books strengthened and encouraged many Christians in their faith: https://shop.ausglaubenleben.org/ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° You can also order the books in other languages free of charge using the following link: https://www.the-bereans.com/svetlik °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° A VERY BIG THANK YOU to everyone who prays for the work on “Living by Faith”, who sends us feedback via email, who shares these videos with others or who supports the work financially. Support the work via Paypal: [email protected] or simply write an email to: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Website: https://www.ausglaubenleben.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIVING BY FAITH on SPOTIFY: https://spotify.link/i7G3yYyk8yb ... and on INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/ausglaubenleben... *********************** Challenging articles on the subject of discipleship and following: https://juengerschaft.org/de-en/ (with daily or weekly newsletter) ---------------------------------------- Short sermons in English: / lifebyfaith24