Film by Alessandro Gaeta (images by Franco Cignini, editing by Marco Bonfiglioli) broadcast on 23 January 2004 by Tv7, a weekly programme on Tg1, which tells how significant the presence of the ndrangheta is in the territory of the municipality of Platì, which at the time of the events had no municipal administration, dissolved by the prefect of Reggio Calabria, because the mayor at the time could not have been a candidate. This film was at the centre of a trial before the Court of Locri, which ended with the acquittal of the author, because some municipal councillors and the mayor himself felt their reputation had been offended. The film is based on the investigations carried out by the magistrate Nicola Gratteri and the Carabinieri ROS led at the time by Colonel Valerio Giardina and won the 2004 Journalist of the Year award. The film uploaded in low resolution for documentation purposes is the property of Rai which holds all rights