In Brazil, students can choose their future until their last year of high school, whether they will go to college, take a technical course or even not go to college at all and just start working. Here, it's very different. When children finish the equivalent of fourth grade in Brazil, they take a test and, depending on their grade, their future is already decided at JUST 10 YEARS OLD!!! Don't believe what you read? Watch until the end and find out how the German education system works. Oh! Don't forget to leave in the comments what surprised you the most. Let's study! ???? Want to take our full course? Visit our website: http://alemaodeverdade.com ⏩ Follow me: On Instagram: @alemaoEalemanha On Facebook: Alemão e Alemanha Want to contribute to me without having to pay anything for it? Subscribe to this channel. Share this video ???? Like and comment on what you thought of the video. I appreciate the support and affection that you always give me and I wish you good studies with dedication and fun. Until the next video, bis dann ツ #RealGerman #GermanSchoolSystem #FactsAboutGermany #GermanCulture #LearnMoreGermany #LivinginGermany #WorkingandStudyinginGermany #GermanyCuriosities