This is the story of Donata, a former manager who after 25 years decided to quit her job, to live without money immersed in nature. To a salary with many zeros, Donata preferred a life completely self-sufficient, eating the herbs and fruits that the earth offers her, and self-producing everything she needs. She uses barter to get what she doesn't have. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Trailer 00:56 Life as a manager 02:04 Quitting your job and changing your life 04:39 Sleeping in a tent 05:47 Immersed in nature 06:51 Eating wild herbs 08:48 Living without money 11:13 Freedom 12:24 Donata Drone's dream @daspofficialchannel ➡️follow me also on instagram ???????? / natalinostasi_video ???? for info, collaborations and to tell your personal story write to me at: [email protected] ????