Fujioka Hiroki of "Owner Bari" and guest Kitani Tsuyoshi of "Kameya Fishing Tackle" Itsukaichi branch came to the coast of Hamada, Shimane Prefecture. With the help of "Koyomaru", they set off for drop fishing! They intended to do some research before the drop fishing season, but... soon after they started, the bait started to bite and they caught their target bluefish!! They ran around the spot to investigate and caught a large yellowtail and many other kinds of fish, making the boat very lively! They will introduce the drop fishing tackle used by "Owner Bari". ■Broadcast date: November 2, 2024■Tackle rod: 2m40cmMH drop-casting rodReel: Electric reelLine: PE line no. 4Leader: Nylon no. 24Rig: Kuwase Go Sabiki W-body tackle, hook no. 8, line no. 16Kuwase Go Sabiki, chemiluminescent flasher, hook no. 8, line no. 16Sinker: No. 80■Fishing boat: Koyomaru, Shimane Prefecture■Interview cooperation: Kameya Fishing Tackle, Itsukaichi storeOWNERMOVIE http://ownertv.jp/ Owner Bari website http://www.owner.co.jp