✦ Sources Hermann Ebbingaus and the forgetting curve: https://blogpeda.ac-poitiers.fr/circo... Reminder table: https://jeretiens.net/memorisez-grace... Major system: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_ch... The abacus method: • The amazing abacus method for learning... TedX: • Feats of memory anyone can do Joshu... George and Charles Finn: • George and Charles - Savant Syndrome ✦ Music Penumbra - Hanna parrot: • penumbra hannah parrott Adelie kingpinguin: • Adelie kingpinguin ✦ To go further Major system: • How does the Great System work? Mental palace: • THE MEMORY PALACE: the most pow... Forgetting curve and other methods: • BETTER LEARNING & STUDY: the (true...