Op. Dr. Ayşe Duman's Holistic Approach to Women's Health First night legends lead to first night fears, bloody, painful, sore, painful scenes. However, women's biology is not programmed to feel pain, ache when taking the penis for the first time. Learning your body should be a part of your marriage preparation. Stay with love, affection, and affection. You can also follow on Instagram! / You can visit the drayseduman Website and get information about trainings. https://www.ayseduman.com/ You can visit https://www.hubladesign.com/ for your birth comfort. Phone: 0541 857 8594 / 0216 344 13 99 #OpDrAyseDuman #RediscoveringWomanhood #firstnight #fear #firstnightsentence #firstnightfear #weddingnight #firstnightlegends #firstnightshappens #overcomingfear #firstnightshouldnotbefeared #overcomingfirstnightfear