Sign up to Youcafoscari: / @youcafoscari For information on the degree course in Physics Engineering, and on how to enroll, find information here: https://www.unive.it/web/it/1576/home The appointment with “The first lesson of…” is back, the video format of Ca' Foscari that takes you inside one of our classrooms. This week we show you the first lesson of the course of “Physics I”, held by prof. Francesco Gonella, of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems. Teaching is one of the basic training activities of the degree course in Physics Engineering, and allows students to acquire knowledge and understanding of the main concepts of classical Mechanics and Thermodynamics, a fundamental cultural background for much of the Degree Course, while developing the ability to use logical-deductive reasoning. A further aspect that is considered during the course is the relevance with the applicative aspects of the concepts that are referred to from time to time, in order to place the study within a general sustainability perspective.