In a cozy house in Ivoti, Elio da Rosa Xavier, from Lagoa Vermelha, Rio Grande do Sul, faces the daily grind of taking medication and undergoing exhausting hemodialysis sessions three times a week. At 67 years old and away from the stage for six years, the renowned bagpiper Porca Véia is battling diabetes. The disease interrupted a career that earned him two gold records and several other awards at festivals. Even though he is weak and has difficulty walking due to the amputation of one of his feet, the proud former student of the Bertussi Brothers spoke to the ABC Newspaper to reminisce about the beginning of his career, his successful trajectory, the 23 albums he recorded and the premature abandonment of the countless dances he has entertained during his 33 years of performance. Report by PC Langaro Images and edited by Carlos Rissotto #PorcaVéia #Bagpiper #ABC Newspaper