Common myths are about the supposedly free democratic path that Russia took after February. But when modern historians criticize the Bolsheviks for October, for some reason they always "forget" to describe the situation that had already developed in the country after February. In fact, in the period from February to October, the country was rapidly falling apart. First, the Provisional Government refused to mobilize the nationalization of key industries, which had been undertaken to some extent even by the tsarist government, and took the path of strengthening favoritism. This was due to the cooperation of government groups with bourgeois organizations vested with the functions of accounting and distribution of products and raw materials. To the demand of the Social Democrats for the subordination of industry to the interests of the state, the Liberal Democrats responded that the new government, like the old one, fundamentally "does not accept" state regulation of industry "as a measure that is too socialistic." Further. The inability of the Provisional Government to rule was manifested in the fact that already a month after the beginning of its activities, it managed to almost completely destroy the economic life of the country. In April 1917 alone, the output of the metallurgical industry in a locality like Moscow decreased by 32%, in Petrograd the decline reached as much as 40%. By June, coal production in the Donbass had fallen by 30%. Fabrics were produced at only a quarter of the 1913 level. The Provisional Government insisted that a fair distribution of fabrics would require 50 million rubles from the state. We will find them - and everything will be decided.... 00:00 Problems of the Provisional Government 18:22 Bolsheviks 19:57 "Land to the peasants" 30:21 "Factories to the workers" 33:58 "Peace to the peoples" 35:02 "Power to the Soviets" 41:19 Conclusion Support me on Boosty: https://boosty.to/ivanzaitsevskii My VK: https://vk.com/publiczaitsevskogo My Telegram: https://t.me/IvanZaitsevskii #FebruaryRevolution #IvanZaitsevsky #ProvisionalGovernment #ProvisionalGovernmentofRussia #HistoryofRussia