Recipe; (Glass size-200ml) (Diameter of pan-30cm) 4 tablespoons flour (520 cr) 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1.5 tablespoons water To spread; 80 cr ərinmish kərə oil INTERIOR; 500 qr medium-fat dana əti 400 qr potatoes 2 medium onions 1.5-2 teaspoons salt (to taste) Half a teaspoon of pulbibər Half a teaspoon of clicky cook for 1 hour. Recipe; (Volume of the glass-200ml) (Diameter of the mold-30cm) 4 tbsp flour (520 g) 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1.5 tbsp warm water Grease; 80 g of melted butter FILLINGS; 500 g medium-fat beef 400 g potatoes 2 medium scallions 1.5-2 teaspoons salt (to taste) Half a teaspoon of pepper Half a teaspoon of thyme Cook for 1 hour at 180-190 degrees. Recipes; (Glass volume-200ml) (Shape diameter - 30cm) 4 tbsp flour (520 g) 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1.5 tbsp warm water Lubricate; 80 g melted butter FILLINGS; 500 g medium fat beef 400 g potatoes 2 medium onions 1.5-2 teaspoons salt (to taste) Half a teaspoon of pepper Half a teaspoon of thyme Cook for 1 hour at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.