Help developing the channel: SBER 4276 3800 5448 1069 Dmitry Olegovich From other countries: TD Bank 4482 3301 3639 7767 Evgeny A Boosty boosty.to/pharwater Telegram https://t.me/pharvatwer Experimental video, outside the fleet, we'll return to the Navy next time, sorry for the sound quality, dear friends. The video was recorded a long time ago. In May 1940, France was completely defeated in a month and a half. This was a shock for the whole world, even for the Germans themselves. Today, I want to look at this event from the French point of view, focusing on the last weeks of this campaign. How France came to capitulation, and why England did not help it. Timestamps: 0:00 Bubnezh 1:44 Balance of power in 1940 4:21 Beginning of the campaign May 10-15. 6:12 France's first collapse 15-20 May 9:12 Petain and Weygand 20-30 May, 11:15 Allied counterattacks in late May 14:37 Dunkirk 25 May - 5 June 18:38 French command wavering 25 May - 10 June 21:22 French plans for the second part of the campaign 26:18 German offensive 5-10 June 27:38 Italy 10-24 June 30:08 Front near Paris 10-14 June 31:04 Disorder in France, England stops aid 10-12 June 34:27 De Gaulle in June 1940 35:35 Collapse of the front and the government 12-15 June 39:04 Last attempts to save the situation, Reynaud's despair 13-16 June 42:40 Marshal Petain becomes prime minister. June 16-18 46:01 Dunkirk-2 Second evacuation June-July. 48:20 Evacuation of French battleships. June 15-20. 50:10 England left 51:40 Capitulation 53:30 Losses of both sides and reasons for defeat