The expulsion of the Jesuits: The beginning of the end of the Spanish Empire? Gabriel Calvo Zarraute, priest, writer, theologian and philosopher, is also an expert in Church history and canon law. Regular contributor to the YouTube channel @LaSacristiadeLaVendee Conference given on Friday, February 17, 2023. ** The Heroes of Cavite Cultural Association, in its commitment to historical dissemination and the fight against the Black Legend, aims to accommodate all kinds of points of view on the history of Spain and the phenomenon of Hispanicity, but cannot be held responsible for the opinions expressed by the invited speakers. For more information about our principles and objectives, you can visit the following link: https://heroesdecavite.es/la-asociacion/ If you want to collaborate with the association, you can do so in three different ways: ???? Become a member: https://heroesdecavite.es/unete-a-nos... ???? By bank transfer: ES54 0073 0100 5005 0604 6743 ???? By Paypal: https://paypal.me/heroesdecavite For more information: https://heroesdecavite.es/