30% off French Revolution books: https://clkdmg.site/campaign/podcast1... In this episode, Dr. Rômulo, from the Science and Philosophy channel, will show the Farce of Charles Darwin's Evolutionism. He will also tell how he converted from atheism to Catholicism and how he went from being an evolutionist to being a creationist. Dr. Rômulo's channel: /ci%c3%aanciaefilosofia About the guest: he has a degree in Biological Sciences and a master's degree in Ecology from UFMG. He has a PhD in Zoology from the University of Oxford. He currently works as an associate researcher at the Royal Botanic Garden in London. ~~~~~~~ My study method - LEEER: https://checkout.professormarceloandr... ~~~~~~~ English course I recommend: https://edzz.la/C8AAC?a=59946485 ~~~~~~~ To get your visa for the United States or Europe: https://toledoeassociados.com.br/ ~~~~~~~ My Bookstore: https://livrariamarceloandrade.com.br/ Chapters 00:00-05:30 - Start 05:31-29:50 - PhD by OXFORD shows the MAIN INCONSISTENCIES of the THEORY of EVOLUTION! 29:52-47:00 - How DID LIFE ARISE?! PhD by OXFORD answers! 47:01-58:18 - If the THEORY of EVOLUTION is FALSE, why is it ADOPTED? 1:05:45-1:14:51 - EUGENISM, RACISM and SOCIAL DARWINISM! 1:15:09-1:28:21 - The CONTROVERSIES of Dr. ROMULO against PIRULLA and BIOLOGIST HENRIQUE! 1:28:25-1:49:21 - Why were the DINOSAURS EXTINCT?!