Today we discussed the Epicureans, especially in opposition to the other major philosophical movement that emerged in the Hellenistic period, Stoicism. Epicurus believed that the purpose of life was pleasure. However, we are not talking about hedonism, because the Epicureans had a very ascetic lifestyle. Not every pleasure should be sought. Epicurean natural philosophy has its roots in the atomistic theory of Democritus, but these atoms that make up the world do not move only according to certain laws, but also in a chaotic manner. These sudden movements (clinamen) leave room for chance and human freedom. The Epicureans believe that the fear of gods is unfounded. There is what is called the “four-fold medicine” that Epicureans believe all people should use to be happy, and it urges people to follow a path of rational and moderate pleasure: “God has nothing to fear, death has nothing to worry about, the good is easy to obtain, and the terrible is easy to endure.” An important aspect of Epicurean philosophy is the idea of friendship. The Epicureans would gather in a garden and use conversations with friends as a way to find pleasure. They, unlike other philosophical schools, allowed women to join in their discussions. Since we decided to live forever, we decided that we would have enough time to tell the story of the intellectual history of humanity in a series of podcasts starting with antiquity and reaching to the present day. Since we know, however, the right measure, we do not intend to talk about everything, but only about the Western space, starting from the ancient Greeks. Our plan is that, every week, we will have a discussion about an essential theme in the humanities. We will therefore talk about literature, history, religion and, of course, philosophy. Everything in chronological order. We hope that you will accompany us on this journey in which we want to do small exercises in conceptual geology to answer the question: What world do we live in? Casa Paleologu is a place of discussions and intellectual friendships, where the courses are familiar, accessible and are intended to complete personalities. ------------------- Casa Paleologu Website: https://paleologu.com/ro Facebook: / casapaleologu Instagram: / casa.paleol. . Linkedin: / 2831. . Theodor Paleologu Facebook: / tpaleologu Linkedin: / feed ------------------- Contact: [email protected] #epicurean #filosofia #cultura ------------------------------------ (C) & (P) Casa Paleologu Foundation All rights reserved. (C) & (P) Paleologu House Foundation All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this content on your channel