A historian never closes his files. Invited at the very beginning of Storiavoce to evoke the reign of Louis XI, the medieval historian Lydwine Scordia has just published Eleven Enigmas of Louis XI at Vendémiaire. She thus continues her reflection on this character at the center of 19th century historiography. Was Louis XI a modern before everyone else, or better a precursor? Was money at the center of his considerations? Can we say that this king was against feudalism? This king had great abilities: and these abilities were frightening at the time. Why is that? Can we speak of him as a prefiguration of Louis XIV but without the concept of absolutism? Was he a simple man, indifferent to appearances or a nonchalant? A chatterbox, is he also a smooth talker? Is he acting? What does hunting represent for this man? Etc. Guest: Lydwine Scordia, agrégée and doctor in history, teacher-researcher in medieval history at the University of Rouen, received the Prix Provins Moyen Âge (2010) for the edition of the Book of Three Ages. She is the author of Louis XI. Myths and Realities (2015) and co-directed Images, Powers and Norms. Visual Exegesis of the End of the Middle Ages (2018) and The Political Heart in the Renaissance (2019). She has just published Eleven Enigmas on Louis XI (Vendémiaire, 192 pages, €21). ****************************** Find Storiavoce on https://storiavoce.com/ Support Storiavoce on https://storiavoce.com/soutenez-stori... Follow us on Twitter: / storiavoce or on Facebook: / storiavoce or finally Instagram: / storiavoce