????????As many of you know, I am dedicated to music teaching (apart from studying Clinical Psychology). And I have really enjoyed making this video about the effects of Rock and its variants (Heavy-Metal, Punk, Hard Rock, Rock and Roll, Grunge). I hope you enjoy it and have learned something new about this musical genre.???????? ????????YOU CAN FOLLOW ME ON INSTRAGRAM???????? / ayo.martyn ???????? ALSO ON TIKTOK ???????? / mentehumanati. . ????????YOU CAN GET MY NOVEL IN PHYSICAL OR EBOOK HERE???? ???? ????????PHYSICAL???????? https://editorialcirculorojo.com/soy-... ????????EBOOK???????? https://www.amazon.es/Soy-Hikikomori-... ????????SOURCE???????? : https://psiquiatria.com/congresos/pdf... 8th Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science (2006) http://academica-e.unavarra.es/bitstr... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science... https://mariskalrock.com/actualidad/l...