Hello! How are you? Today, a more dense video than usual. We break down each of the skills necessary to achieve a good musical ear. From the most basic to the complex. I hope you like it! #music #musicaloud #musiceducation #absoluteoud If you want to access the Free Class, this is the link: https://www.oidoabsoluto.com/ If you want to access our training, this is the link: https://www.oidoabsoluto.com/details... 00:00 Intro 01:12 Attention Control 02:55 Tone Pairing 03:19 Singing the Scale 04:42 The Sense of Tonality 06:37 The Tonic 07:52 Note Recognition 08:54 Chord Recognition 10:24 The Quality of Chords 12:06 Bass Recognition 13:02 TTO Course 13:30 Auditory Memory 14:44 Melody and Harmony 16:14 Intervals 16:57 7th Chords 18:17 Inverted Chords 20:03 Chunking 22:22 Chromaticisms 23:29 Secondary Dominants and Modulations 24:50 Modal Interchange 25:55 Conclusion