Train With Me For 90 Days - http://athleanx.com/x/train-with-me... Subscribe to this channel here - /athleanxenglish There are many different exercises to build a bigger chest. The key to choosing which ones you're going to do is to make sure you're doing the ones that work. In this video I'm going to show you two versions of a cable fly that are completely useless. It's hard to believe that one of them was actually invented by someone with no training experience. The modification applied is almost as bad as the exercise itself. The idiocy of this chest exercise underscores a very important point when it comes to training programming. Be careful who you take advice from. Anyone can pick up a cable fly and claim to know what they're talking about but lack any knowledge of human biomechanics. This is completely irresponsible and dangerous. By backing it up with science, I'm showing you that there are much better options. This is no exception. So why is this new exercise a waste of time? There are three main reasons. The first is that in an exercise meant to help you get great pectoral contraction, the lack of horizontal adduction at the shoulder limits how much of a full contraction you get. Stopping with your shoulder in a neutral position and not crossing the midline is like curling a biceps curl halfway. Full contraction in the chest can only occur with the arm crossing that midline, period. The next problem is that the pectoral exercise shown by Jesse lacks concentric or active shortening of the pectoral muscle. Just because you change the position of the limb under a single isometric contraction doesn't mean you're getting active shortening of the pectorals or a concentric contraction. While isometrics have a place in your training and should definitely be included, you should also come with the understanding that one of the main benefits is that they allow for a much stronger contraction than a traditional concentric. This means that you should be able to increase the weight you use isometrically and train with a weight that exceeds what you would lift concentrically if programmed properly. This is where this exercise falls apart. Because the starting position of the exercise occurs with your chest at its weakest point in its range of motion, you are forced to use an extremely light weight. By the time that arm reaches a state of maximal contraction, the light weight used and dictated by the starting position is very poor at challenging where you need it most. Rather than trying to achieve better results through meaningless exercises, you would be better off performing the cable fly shown at the end. First, because flys are performed with cables, you have the ability to maintain resistance in the pecs throughout the range of motion (most noticeable at the top when there is maximal contraction in the chest). Second, you can cross the midline and gain full horizontal adduction in the shoulders (something that is not possible in a traditional dumbbell fly). Third, the locked position of the cables at the bottom prevents overextension of the arm and any shoulder injury that is possible with dumbbells when performing a fly on an unsupported bench. However, beyond that, something that is more effective than the standing cable reverse fly (which is stupid if I haven't mentioned it already) is that you have the ability to use heavier weights that are more apt to match your strength in the contracted position of the exercise and not hold you back by being virtually a slave to what you can lift at the weakest point of the exercise. By shortening the momentum of the arm and bringing your hands closer to your chest in the bottom position, you have the ability to press heavier weights and still benefit from eccentric overload and isometric hold if you so desire. If you are looking for exercises that will build a bigger chest then you must first understand how the body moves. Anyone can grab a cable and start moving their arms but is it really helping you build muscle or in this case a bigger chest? Start getting backed up with science and head over to http://athleanx.com and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Real science, real athletes, real results from a coach to professional athletes. For more videos on how to build a bigger chest and the best exercises to achieve it, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel / athleanxespañol