In the city of Caetés, the birthplace of President Lula, farming families report a series of consequences of the installation of wind farms near their homes, such as hearing problems due to the noise, frights caused by the shadow of the towers and an increase in the use of medication for insomnia and anxiety. In addition, contracts signed with the companies last up to 49 years and are difficult for residents to break. Reporters Leandro Machado and Vitor Serrano went to the interior of Pernambuco to listen to people who face living with wind farms. Text report: https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/articl... Did you like it? Subscribe to the BBC News Brasil channel! And if you want to read more news, click here: https://www.bbcbrasil.com #bbc #bbcnewsbrasil #energia #eolicas #energialimpa #energíaverde