The Dowry The story of this series revolves around a sheikh of a tribe whose wife dies after having a son and a daughter. The sheikh marries another wife from another tribe, and she brings her brother with her to the marital home, where they begin to weave conspiracies in an attempt to seize and control the sheikh's wealth. The new wife succeeds in convincing the sheikh to expel his son from the tribe, so he wanders around until he finds a new tribe that will accept him. He falls in love with the daughter of the sheikh of the new tribe, which excites the young men of the tribe against him. Actors: Mahmoud Abu Ghraib, Nabil Al-Mashini, Shafika Al-Tal, Salma Al-Masry, Fadia Khattab, Habis Al-Abbadi, Rouhi Al-Safadi, Margo Aslan, Shaish Al-Naimi, and others. Dialect: Bedouin 11 episodes