⭐ Watch more videos - • Gumball's Disappearance Part 1 Gumball ... Welcome to Elmore High! Join Gumball, Darwin and the Watterson family, plus the rest of the gang, for some crazy, fun, and hilarious fun! Accompanied by his best friend and adoptive brother Darwin and his genius sister Anais, Gumball is desperate to find trouble. What's more, there are a lot of problems and strange things happening in Elmore. Gumball's hard-working and active mother Nicole and Gumball's less active father Richard can't help but watch with wonder. Most of the action takes place at Elmore High, a school attended by Banana Joe, Tobias Wilson, Tina Rex and Carrie Krueger. It may look like any ordinary school - but what happens after classes start is something completely out of the ordinary! #TheAmazingWorldofGumball#Darwin #Gumball #CartoonNetwork #Darwin #TheAmazingWorldofGumball