We visited the São João Del Rei Railway Museum in Minas Gerais. The original railway was built in 1881 by the Estrada de Ferro Oeste de Minas to help colonize the west of Minas Gerais. The 762 mm gauge line connected Antônio Carlos to Barra do Paraopeba, in the municipality of Morada Nova de Minas. The Ferrovia Centro Atlântica operates the Aureliano Mourão-Divinópolis section, which was expanded to metric gauge in 1960. The rest of the line was abandoned and dismantled between 1983 and 1984 during the RFFSA administration. The São João del Rei to Tiradentes line, however, was preserved and has been in continuous use since 1881, although it is now just a separate tourist line, classified as a historical heritage site for passenger transport, and is one of the few places in Brazil that has seen the continuous use of steam locomotives. In 1984, the Barra do Paraopeba Line, as it was called, was eradicated and the EFOM, as a complex railway network, ceased to exist. The line was inaugurated in the presence of Emperor Dom Pedro II, on August 28, 1881. It was the end of the line that then connected Sítio (today Antônio Carlos), on the Dom Pedro II Railway (later Central do Brasil), to São João del-Rei. The name EFOM was revived in the late 1970s for tourist purposes on the remaining 762mm gauge line between Antônio Carlos and Aureliano Mourão (approximately 200 km). The only section of this railway that exists with 762mm gauge comprises the line between São João del-Rei and Tiradentes, passing through the Chagas Dória station and the Casa de Pedra stop. Between 1983 and 1984, the rest of the line was eradicated, and this section was preserved as a result of pressure from civil society, which included the Brazilian Railway Preservation Association (ABPF) among its entities. Since then, the 12 kilometers of railway that separate the two historic cities in Minas Gerais have been used for tourism. Thanks to: Iphan São João Del Rei VLI Logistica Pousada Rotunda ______________________________________________________________________ Hello, we are Carlos and Geisa and we have visited many places in our region. We love antiques, farms and old houses, historical settings, always willing to find what history has hidden! Come with us on this adventure!! Our social networks: Instagram: / lugardanossaregiao Facebook: / lugar-da-nossa-regi%c3%a3o-108258217626752 Our products (t-shirt and cap): / lojinhalnr