English: Title and Author 1) Araima Amezquita The Element: Carlos Romero The overcoat and the overcoat: Joel Hernandez 2) Mariangela Linares The Guachimana: Carmen Martinez 3) Victoria Ramos Black Eyes: Antonio Jose Aguilar 4) Vanesa Mendoza I thank the coleo: Salvador Gamboa 5) Cristina Maica Fashionable that yes: Ivan Jose Rodriguez 6) Lauret Matey Little girl from Bruzual: Eladio Tarife 7) Ana Bolivar For my people: Ana Bolivar 8) La Negra Linares It has to be a plainsman: Salvador Gamboa 9) Joselin Banganho I am Mayra Castellanos: Salvador Gamboa Credits General Production: Jesus Cuevas Audiovisual: (insert the names of your Tropical team) and Hector Rodriguez Sound Technician: Richard Cabrera Location: El Rincon de Cachilapo Makeup Artists: Yelitza Benitez and Maria Paz Musicians: Harp: Rafael Reyes Harp: Edward Jimenez Four: Jose Ochoa Maracas: Ivan Blanco Bass: Bernardo Ruiz Band: Alexander Flores