???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE RESTORED CHANNEL! CLICK HERE ???? https://www.youtube.com/restaurados?s... ???????? Instagram @vvjrestaurados ???? http://bit.ly/VVJRESTAURADOS ???? OUR CONTACTS: ???? Pastor Elionai Rodrigues - General Management - Restored ???? WhatsApp: (+55) 41 9 9705-6101 (Curitiba-Paraná-Brazil) ????http://bit.ly/RestauradosWhatsAppOficial ???? Pastor Sérgio Pereira de Melo - Administrator of the Restaurados channel ???? WhatsApp: (+55) 43 9 9641-4309 (Londrina-Paraná-Brazil) ???? ABOUT COPYRIGHT: ???? The Restaurados channel belongs to an individual and has never been the channel intended to infringe any copyright of anyone and we are always available to any author and/or composer who wishes to remove content from any praise that we may not have prior knowledge that the work and composition is theirs, please contact our administration and we will remove such content, as we never post any type of content for monetization and commercialization without prior authorization from whoever it may be. If any of our content belongs to you, please contact us for removal. God bless you. -------------------------------------------- ???? Our address In Curitiba-PR: Rua Teófilo Wisniewiski, nº 172 - Bairro CIC - Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil - CEP: 81.270-020 https://goo.gl/maps/idQvZvMQbqYL3mUn6 ???? Our address In Londrina-PR. Serra da Borborema, 333 - Jardim Bandeirantes Neighborhood - Londrina - Paraná - Brazil https://goo.gl/maps/P3Qq3Wk1HoxSE5DG8 -------------------------------------------- Our Worship Times: ???? Tuesday at 7:30pm - Prayer Service (In Londrina-PR) ???? Thursday at 7:15pm - Prayer Service (In Curitiba-PR) ???? Wednesday at 7:00pm - Prayer Service (In Cianorte-PR) ???? Saturday at 6:30pm - Worship Service (In Curitiba-PR) ???? Sunday at 9:00am - Sunday School (In Curitiba-PR) ???? Sunday at 6:30pm - Worship Service (In Londrina-PR)