Three verses with the same beginning and different endings in the same surah.. What is the reason? (And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the disbelievers.) [Al-Ma’idah: 44] (And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.) [Al-Ma’idah: 45] (And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the defiantly disobedient.) [Al-Ma’idah: 47] The transcription is taken from the Islamiyat website http://islamiyyat.com: ==== ... It is known that injustice is exceeding the limit and disbelief is leaving the religion. Injustice may have degrees until it reaches disbelief. God Almighty said: (And the disbelievers - they are the wrongdoers (254) Al-Baqarah). Disbelief is leaving the religion and there may be a Muslim who is an oppressor. Injustice has degrees in exceeding it. It may not reach the degree of disbelief and it may progress until it reaches disbelief. God Almighty said: (And the disbelievers - they are the wrongdoers) (Indeed, associating others with God is a great wrong (13) Luqman). This is injustice. Injustice has degrees, the highest of which is disbelief. Immorality is leaving the obedience of God Almighty and it has degrees. It is derived from the word “fasqat” which means it came out of its shell. (And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” and they prostrated, except for Iblis. He was one of the jinn, and he disobeyed the command of his Lord (50) Al-Kahf) meaning he disobeyed. Immorality also has degrees and ranks until it reaches disbelief. Allah the Almighty said: {He was of the jinn, but he disobeyed the command of his Lord} {Indeed, the hypocrites are the defiantly disobedient (67) At-Tawbah} {And whoever disbelieves after that - then it is those who are the defiantly disobedient (55) An-Nur} {And when We intend to destroy a city, We command its affluent, but they defiantly disobey therein (16) Al-Isra} meaning they disobey. The oppressor and the immoral are equal in disobeying, but oppression is most related to others, and immorality is more general. Oppression is taking the rights of others, and immorality is general, and every oppressor is immoral, but not every immoral person is an oppressor. The oppressor is certainly a sinner, but not every sinner is oppressive to others. He may be oppressive to himself. So sin is more general. Iblis is a sinner, and through sin he reached the level of disbelief. Allah the Almighty described the disbelievers as sinners and oppressors. Injustice has levels that may reach disbelief, and sin has levels that may reach disbelief. Sometimes sin does not involve disbelief (Hajj is [during] well-known months. So whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself therein - there is no sexual relations nor wickedness nor disputing during Hajj (197) Al-Baqarah). Our Lord Almighty mentioned the ruler who does not rule by what Allah has revealed and described him once as an infidel (And whoever does not rule by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the disbelievers (44) Al-Ma'idah), once as an oppressor (And whoever does not rule by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the wrongdoers (45) Al-Ma'idah), and once as a sinner (And whoever does not rule by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the defiantly disobedient (47) Al-Ma'idah). He is not one of these. The order of the attributes: oppression, then immorality, then disbelief. So the one who does not rule by what Allah has revealed is definitely one of these, but is he a disbeliever? But we see what was the motive that prompted him not to rule by what Allah revealed? It is not necessarily that it was disbelief that prompted him not to rule. Did he want to favor someone? (And We ordained for them therein that a life is for a life, an eye is for an eye, a nose is for a nose, an ear is for an ear, a tooth is for a tooth, and for wounds there is legal retribution. But whoever gives it in charity, it is expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah revealed - then it is those who are the wrongdoers. (45) Al-Ma'idah) Why did he not rule and complain to the ruler, while the ruler ruled out favoritism for a person who is not a disbeliever, but he is a wrongdoer, and this is a degree of disbelief. The one who does not rule by what Allah has revealed is definitely one of these, and to include all cases of abandoning the rule, it may be that what led him to do something else does not take him out of the religion, but for a stronger reason, but in all cases he does not go beyond being either a sinner, an oppressor, or a disbeliever. Injustice may reach the level of disbelief, and each case is judged according to its own merit. The people of jurisprudence know this best, but from a linguistic perspective, the one who does not rule by what Allah has revealed is definitely one of these, and it includes all cases in which there is no justice, because there may be a reason that led him not to rule by what Allah has revealed, and he may be an oppressor in that. And the one who does not rule by what Allah has revealed is an oppressor, an oppressor, and a transgressor, so that the verses include all cases mentioned, and the one who does this does not go beyond one of these, and it may reach the level of disbelief. How do we differentiate between the oppressor and the immoral, since both of them exceed the limit? The immoral is more general than the oppressor, and it is not necessarily related to his oppression of others. If a person does not pray or fast, he is oppressing himself and is called an immoral person, but oppression does not mean that he is oppressive to others. The Messenger (PBUH) used to say in his supplication: “O God, I have wronged myself greatly.” The Queen of Sheba said: “She said: ‘My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself (44) An-Naml.” And when Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they said: “They said: ‘Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves (23) Al-A’raf.’” So immorality is more general. 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