"The Diary of Sebastian Flizak (1881–1972), or Discovering the Local Past" is a documentary film that takes viewers on a journey through history, discovering unknown or forgotten pages of the biography of Dr. Sebastian Flizak. At the center of the story is the figure of Sebastian Flizak - a man whose life and activities have been immortalized on the pages of his diary, which is a kind of chronicle of past years. His diary is a valuable cultural testimony and is the basis for reflection on the importance of remembering local history in the context of global changes. The reportage shows the process of discovering historical traces - from various archives, through meetings with local residents, to field research. It shows how the local past intertwines with national and world history, emphasizing the role of the individual in perpetuating the memory of places and people that could be forgotten. Thanks to its rich visual layer, bringing old photographs, maps and documents back to life, the film not only shows Flizak's story, but is also an attempt to answer the question of how to interpret historical sources in a scientific way. The following people took part in the recording: Dr. Łukasz Burkiewicz, Dr. Katarzyna Ceklarz, Dr. Bianka Godlewska-Dzioboń, Wojciech Kusiak, Teofila Latoś, Rafał Rusnak. Script and hosting: Dr. Paweł Nowakowski Vision and sound: Michał Kurka, Tobiasz Gruchel Editing: Michał Kurka Makeup: Sabina Nocuń-Zięba Production: Paweł Nowakowski Implemented as part of the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education called the "National Program for the Development of Humanities", project number NPRH/F/SP/0030/2024/13; title: "Critical edition of the diary of Sebastian Flizak from Under the Gorce Mountains to the world and back". Amount of funding PLN 298 698.62; total amount: PLN 298,698.62.