We continue to discuss the events in Pärnu during the Second World War, starting from July 1941, when German troops chased the communists out of the city. The first part includes the conclusion of the base agreement, the departure of the Baltic Germans, the first Soviet occupation (1940-41) and the so-called Summer war. Reception of Germans by local residents, life in German-occupied Pärnu. An overview of the September days of 1944 with disastrous consequences for Pärnu, when large areas of the city turned into piles of rubble. The second coming of the Reds, which marked the beginning of decades of occupation... Contact: meieajalood[ät]gmail.com Join the channel to get access to benefits: / @meieajalood Other options to support our channel: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/meieajalood / our histories Aitüma! ???? #ajalugu #meieajalood #esti #estonia #estiyoutuber