Today's recipe is amazing in every sense of the word and its creator is the most amazing dessert on TikTok. It is made without eggs or an oven, with simple ingredients and is prepared in 10 minutes. You must try it, its creator is special. #Dessert #Cold_Dessert #Dessert_For_Suhoor #Economical_Dessert #Ingredients Cup capacity 220 ml 3 cups of milk 4 tablespoons of caramel-flavored Flon or vanilla equivalent to 100 g 2 tablespoons of flour (cornstarch) A box of caramel-flavored Flon A cup of Chantilly biscuit powder A cup of milk + caramel fragrance or instant coffee to dip the biscuits in Caramel sauce A cup of regular sugar A teaspoon of margarine A box of Flon caramel Cocoa, mashed and coarsely ground