Audio file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-I-... ------------------------------------------------------------- ... There are two important points here. In ancient philosophies, there was such a thing as an essence and essence, so to speak, a philosophical essence that is inside every human being, but dust and dirt cover it, moral vices, ugly habits, various conditionings cover it, and a person's job is to remove these curtains and bring out that treasure, and according to some, his eyes will suddenly open and he will see that the self that he said was me and myself is the same as that treasure or that treasure is the same as him. In various philosophies and schools, various ways and techniques have been mentioned for bringing out the self, which I will present a few opinions on. In Greek philosophy and among the Platonists and Neo-Platonists, even later in Islamic philosophy, the self was referred to as the human soul, sometimes the soul, and sometimes a special stage called the heart of a person. In the eyes of those theorists, the soul, the heart, and the heart are a gem and substance that is inside a person that has many properties and is divine and rich, and a person must try to bring it out and live with the manifestations of the soul and the soul and its effects. Among some mystics, these interpretations have been made that every human being is a part of a deep self, which, according to Rumi, is the deep self of the whole world. According to Attar: We have hidden a treasure inside the hearts, so that if it comes out of the heart, it will not reach the sky. ------------------------------------------------------------- Source: http://mohammadmojtahedshabestari.com Lecture: Living in a Meaningful Way - Session 5 by Mohammad Mojtahid Shabestari