We tell you how a subpoena, an appearance order or an arrest warrant is formulated. Federal Public Defender explains the ways of conducting the accused. Subscribe to our channel and follow us on our social networks ???? Facebook / cjfmx ????Twitter / cjf_mx ???? Instagram / cjf_mx ???? YouTube / cjfmx ???? Facebook / cjfmx ???? LinkedIn / Consejo-de-la-judicatura-federal-oficial ???? Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/31x5x2p... CJF Website: https://www.cjf.gob.mx/ Website of the Federal Public Defender Institute: https://www.ifdp.cjf.gob.mx/ The Public Defender's Office provides free criminal defense services and legal advice. #Defensatel 800 2242426, 24 hours a day, or go to http://ifdpdefensatel.cjf.gob.mx