The moment of death is a critical moment in life. We are all going to go through it. In this video I discuss the most important aspects of the death of a terminally ill patient. Here are all the videos in the Palliative Care and Terminally Ill series! 1.- What is palliative care? • What is Palliative Care? 2.- Food and hydration in the terminally ill patient • Food and Hydration in the Pa... 3.- The last days of the terminally ill patient • The Last Days of the Terminally Ill Patient 4.- The death of the terminally ill patient • The Death of the Terminally Ill Patient 5.- Grief after the death of the terminally ill patient • Grief after the Death of the Terminally Ill Pa... 6.- Euthanasia, sedation and therapeutic obstinacy • Euthanasia, Terminal Sedation and Therapeutic Obstinacy... #TerminallyIllPatient #Death #PalliativeCare