In 2002, one of the most famous computer game adaptations hit the big screen. The franchise's success fluctuated greatly from one installment to another, but at its equator, the series brought its creators an impressive income. But everything comes to an end someday. Resident Evil ended too. I'd like to remember its path. 0:00 Blah blah 1:55 Romero and his sharks 3:57 Saving Paul and Milla's careers 7:12 Blade for some reason 8:06 Milla Jovovich 2 10:30 Highlander in the desert 12:10 Resident Avatar and a lot of Zack Snyder 14:28 Glasses 15:07 Jackie Chan 15:49 The Last Chapter 17:37 What a twist 19:59 Blah blah 2 about Resident Evil