Sources: https://sites.google.com/view/sources... 66 million years ago, the age of dinosaurs had already lasted about 165 million years - and it didn't look like anything was going to change anytime soon. The world was warm and beautiful, with lush forests and an incredible variety of trees, flowers, ferns, and trillions of reptiles. Dinosaurs were everywhere and had evolved into hundreds of species of all shapes and sizes. Gentle giants like the Titanosaurus shared the world with infamous monsters like the Tyrannosaurus rex or the Edmontosaurus. Pectinodon hunted in the undergrowth, while Edmontosaurus populated coasts and swamps. An ancient paradise, a world of abundance, full of life. 66 million years ago, or maybe it was a Sunday afternoon, life was no different than the day before, a thousand years before, or even a million years before. Everything was going well for our feathered dinosaur buddies. Then suddenly a tiny light appeared in the sky. Things Explained - Kurzgesagt is a science channel that explains complex topics from space research, physics, biology, politics, philosophy and technology in a simple and understandable way in animated form. We publish a new video in German every two weeks. Sometimes translations from our English-language channel, sometimes exclusive content for the German market. Since September 28, 2017, Things Explained - Kurzgesagt has been an offering from funk: YouTube: / funkofficial Instagram: / funk TikTok: / funk Website: https://go.funk.net Imprint: https://go.funk.net/impressum