More on the topic: The Borbarad campaign with Thomas Römer as guest player: • DSA Borbarad campaign for beginners: ... This documentary about the history of Germany's most successful pen and paper role-playing game, The Dark Eye, was created over a period of 3 years. Expanded by many recordings from the Orkenspalter TV archive, veterans such as Hadmar von Wieser, Werner Fuchs, Thomas Römer, Lena Falkenhagen, Tom Finn, Anton Weste, Bernhard Hennen and current DSA makers provide insight into the origins of their favorite role-playing game. The focus is on nostalgia, i.e. the 80s and 90s. We would like to thank everyone involved, look forward to feedback and are also collecting suggestions for further sequels. The documentary ran as a series with 7 parts on the channels of Orkenspalter TV, Ulisses Spiele and Rocketbeans TV. Here you can see it in its original form. Interviews, texts, camera, editing, concept: Orkenspalter TV, Mháire Stritter, Nico Mendrek Production, editorial help: Ulisses Spiele, the supporters of OrkenspalterTV - www.Patreon.com/orkenspaltertv More stuff like this on https://www.orkenspalter-tv.de/ or in our numerous playlists: / lnlfan If you want to support us and take a look behind the scenes, you can do so on / orkenspaltertv Or also on https://steadyhq.com/de/orkenspaltertv You can find us on Facebook here: / orkenspaltertv Mháire posts pictures of herself and her minis on her Instagram page: / mhairestritter The automatic audio feed for the videos is available here:https://orkenfeed.keil-connect.com/ #penandpaper #orkenspalter #dsa #promotepodcast